all Zweiradler Tours

Days 690–696Khorugh – Murghab

The Pamir Highway

FAQ: Altitude Sickness

Pamir Highway Part II: From Khorugh to Murghab

Published on 27.05.2024, 16:52 in Murghab, Tajikistan

This report’s podcast is only available in german:  Pamir-Highway Teil II: Von Chorugh bis Murghab.

The heart of the Pamirs and the Pamir Highway begins right after Khorugh. Here the first four thousand meter high passes await us as well as the famous wide valleys, quite a bit of solitude and a snowstorm. In this episode we not only report on the magnificent views (of course we also provide the corresponding photos), the most beautiful campsites and the obligatory Pamir diarrhea. We also give an overview of the alternative routes you can take in the Pamirs and explain problems of and solutions to altitude sickness in the FAQ section.

We always appreciate your critisism, praise and other suggestions or hints and invite you to send us them via!

We are going to get on our bicycles once again and further collect kilometers :-)

See you again soon!

Zweiradler Tours: Central Asia Tour


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