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The Silk Road (with David)

Background Special: The Historic Silk Road

Published on 03.04.2024, 18:03 in Khiva, Uzbekistan

This report’s podcast is only available in german:  Hintergrund-Special: Die historische Seidenstraße.

We have reached Khiva. For us, the city marks the gateway to the Silk Road area. In the next few months we will mainly be traveling in regions that have been significantly influenced by this historic trade route for many centuries. So we thought: Let’s once again ask our expert David to prepare us with a little basic knowledge about the Silk Road. And so in this special episode, David tells us in detail about the origins and decline, about profiteers and adversities, about lucky coincidences and collateral damage of the Silk Road. We will report on Khiva itself, which as a city on the edge of the Silk Road will not be the main topic of this episode, in the regular next episode.

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We are going to get on our bicycles once again and further collect kilometers :-)

See you again soon!

Zweiradler Tours: Central Asia Tour


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