all Zweiradler Tours

Days 403–416Ureki – Ninotsminda

Queen Tamar and the Golden Age of Georgia

The little Lesser Caucasus

Published on 21.08.2023, 12:07 in Ninotsminda, Georgia

This report’s podcast is only available in german:  Der kleine Kleine Kaukasus.

After the Greater Caucasus, which we reported on in the last episode, a bit of summer vacation on the Georgian Black Sea coast is on the agenda for us. However, this vacation is actually hardly longer than a weekend. It’s also a bit of the calm before the storm, because next up is the 2025 meter high Goderdzi Pass; it’s the only road in east-west direction in south-west Georgia and takes us high into the mountains of the Lesser Caucasus. It was to become one of the most unpleasant roads of our entire tour. Arriving on the plateau behind the pass, another cultural highlight of Georgia is waiting for us: the cave town of Vardzia in the steep rock walls of the Kura Canyon. A few kilometers later we close our loop through Western Georgia by crossing our route from about a month ago. With this episode we thus also close this chapter of our tour; next time it will be about a new country again. Spoiler: Armenia.

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We are going to get on our bicycles once again and further collect kilometers :-)

See you again soon!

Zweiradler Tours: Central Asia Tour


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