all Zweiradler Tours

Days 336–345Cendere River – Soğanlı

Atatürk II: Revolution

Deprem, Ice Cream and Mud

Published on 12.06.2023, 20:35 in Soğanlı, Turkey

This report’s podcast is only available in german:  Deprem, Eis und Schlamm.

We have learned a new Turkish word: Deprem. Almost all Turks we have met lately have it in their mouths sooner or later. The word means “earthquake”. If you want to go from Iraq to Cappadocia, it is almost impossible to avoid the area hit by the massive earthquake just four months ago. And with houses lying in ruins or riddled with cracks, we definitely feel a bit out of place as tourists. What does not contribute to this feeling are the people. They have retained their special friendliness and hospitality. In Pazarcık, a town right between the hard-hit cities of Adıyaman and Kahramanmaraş, we are invited in a park by Asli and her family, first for tea and pastries and finally to spend the night in a container settlement. And the famous Maraş ice cream is not to be missed in this region. Asli also tells us in detail how she experienced the earthquake. Behind Kahramanmaraş comes the next challenge: high mountains and their small, very steep roads. The fact that they are not always asphalted and that at the same time one thunderstorm after another is brewing above us does not really make things any easier.

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We are going to get on our bicycles once again and further collect kilometers :-)

See you again soon!

Zweiradler Tours: Central Asia Tour


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