all Zweiradler Tours

Days 301–320Sulaymaniyah – Duhok

The Yazidis

Iraqi Kurdistan Is Green!

Published on 18.05.2023, 19:06 in Duhok, Iraq

This report’s podcast is only available in german:  Kurdistan-Irak ist grün!.

Would one like to travel through Iraqi Kurdistan by bicycle? Is that possible at all? Until a few months ago, we would not have thought of putting the route of our bicycle tour through this region. After almost 700 cycling kilometers here, we have to conclude: We would have missed so many things! The many small, low-traffic roads through colorful flower meadows and green canyons, which always offer fantastic views over the surrounding hills and mountains, are really well suited for cycling. The sights, such as an extremely significant Neanderthal site, Assyrian rock reliefs, and the central Yazidi sanctuary of Lalish, do not have to be shared with other tourists or even paid admission. And the hospitality and generosity of the people is stunning every time. Yes, one can travel through Iraqi Kurdistan by bicycle. And yes, one probably also wants to.

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We are going to get on our bicycles once again and further collect kilometers :-)

See you again soon!

Zweiradler Tours: Central Asia Tour


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