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Days 209–221 • Wadi Rum – Medina •
Arab Revolt (With David)
Desert and Yet Plenty of Water
Published on 09.02.2023, 09:11 in Medina, Saudi Arabia
This report’s podcast is only available in german: Wüste, Wind und doch viel Wasser.
After Jordan, we enter a country where we knew in advance far less than for all the other countries we have crossed so far what to expect: Saudi Arabia! We will cover more than 2000 km in this country, which actually consists only of desert. But at this time of the year the temperatures are pleasant, only the strong wind in the endless plains is getting to us, at least when it is not coming from behind. Besides police escorts, the Arabian country welcomes us with a lot of hospitality and countless (mini-)mosques along the way, so that despite the desert our water and also our supply of dates never runs short. In the middle of sandstone mountains, a spontaneous “private” tour through rock tombs of the Nabataeans (which actually do not only exist in Petra) awaits us before we ride through valleys full of date palm plantations and are even allowed to spend the night on one of these.
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We are going to get on our bicycles once again and further collect kilometers :-)
See you again soon!
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